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Day 8: 31 Days of Braille

Learning Braille as an Adult

How do you learn braille as an adult? Why would you want to learn braille as an adult?

I wonder to what degree adults with an acquired vision loss consider braille relevant? Many adults with a vision loss acquired later in life may have some functional vision but fine detail and print is now difficult. Braille is an option for labeling items like clothing, spices, medication, cleaning supplies, a deck of playing cards– and so much more. You don’t have to be a “literary” braille reader to get some value out of learning braille.

A vision rehabilitation therapist, in your community, is often a great place to start for resources and individualized training. To find one near you, look in the APH Connect Center under Braille and Reading Instruction. If you have a vision loss there is a good chance that this training is available at no out-of-pocket cost!

Hadley has been providing braille correspondence courses for individuals with a vision loss since 1920 at no cost. Call 800.323.4238 to get started.

#31DaysofBraille. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions about #31DaysofBraille? Send an email to lowvisiontech at, tweet to @lowvisiontech, or leave a comment on the LowVisionTech Facebook.

Day7: 31Days of Braille


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