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Vision Rehabilitation Week: Vision Rehabilitation Therapist

Two women sitting across from one another and working together on something between them.

VisionServe Alliance designated the week of June 10th Vision Rehabilitation Week which is a perfect opportunity to highlight one of the professionals who provide vision rehabilitation. The certified vision rehabilitation therapist (CVRT). The vision rehabilitation therapist often provides the primary skills training for someone with an acquired vision loss caused by macular degeneration, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy.

The CVRT  develops customized plans for each of their clients, based on individual goals, and then provides the training needed with adapted daily living skills (ADLS) to reach those goals. Often, a vision loss may interfere with the way some daily activities are done, like reading, hobbies, work tasks, recreational activities, etc. In most cases, there are alternative ways to do these activities with reduced vision, and the VRT specializes in these alternative methods.

The CVRT is usually found in your state’s vocational rehabilitation department, or in a community-based agency providing services for individuals with reduced vision or blind ness. As a result, there is usually no out-of-pocket cost for the CVRT or services are provided on a sliding scale. In most cases, the vision rehabilitation therapist is a highly specialized professional with a master’s degree and national certification in vision rehabilitation.

To find a vision rehabilitation therapist, check out the ConnectCenter’s Directory of Services for your state’s vocational rehabilitation services or the Unit on Aging. The ConnectCenter can also be reached by phone at 800-232-5463.

For students looking for an exciting career where what they do really matters and makes a difference in other’s lives, vision rehabilitation therapy is a terrific field. In addition, there are grants available to assist with funding for the masters degree and training required. Check out the list of personal prep programs available on the AER website for more information.

Learn more from OIB-TAC’s video on vision rehabilitation therapists.



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