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Day 26: 31 Days of Braille

Braille is Everywhere

Thanks, in large part, to companies like Apple, who made a serious commitment to accessibility years ago as they developed the iOS products, braille is everywhere! Dig into the accessibility features on your iPhone, Android phone or tablet, Windows 10 computer, or even a Kindle Fire HD, and you will find support for braille displays. On the iPhone and iPad, braille input is even available on the screen. Instead of using the keyboard, users may choose to input text using the 6 finger system used with many braille input devices,

Because braille is not a seperate language, once braille input is turned on, touching the screen in the dot patterns used for braille characters types in the letters the user wants. This works with typical text editing apps, like Notepad. Once text is input it can be shared or edited as usual. If braille input is turned off, the usual keyboard becomes available again.

If you are carrying around a smartphone or tablet, chances are you have a braille device handy!

#31DaysofBraille. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions about #31DaysofBraille? Send an email to skelley4195 at, tweet to @lowvisiontech, or leave a comment on the LowVisionTech Facebook Page.

Day 25: 31 Days of Braille

Day 26: 31 Days of Braille

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