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Speaking of Smart Speakers

On Wednesday 1 PM Eastern AER Aging Division will be hosting a Water Cooler Discussion on Smart Speakers and the training opportunities they present to Vision Rehabilitation Professionals and their clients with vision loss.

Here are some resources to accompany the discussion:

Teaching Basic Assistive Technology for Vision Rehabilitation Therapists
Steve Kelley, Vision Rehab Therapist at the Iris Network, and Chris Jarosz, Blind Rehabilitation Outpationt Specialist, VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System discussing their approach to staying updated with the latest assistive technology for vision rehabilitation therapists. With some luck this podcast will be available by asking your smart device to, “Play Low Vision Tech on TuneIn.”

Say Hello to Alexa the Digital Assistant Within the Amazon Echo on Vision Aware

The Pros and Cons of Digital Personal Assistants on Vision Aware

Smart Speakers, How They Can Help People With Vision Loss on Vision Aware

AppleVis Extra 54: The Verdict on HomePods on AppleVis

Google Home: A New Electronic Digital Assistant on Vision Aware

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