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Day 12: 31 Days of Braille

Lego Braille Bricks

January is Braille Awareness Month in honor of Louis Braille’s birthday On January 4, 1809. Danish toy company, Lego created Braille Bricks, as the newest addition to their many Legos kits. Braille Bricks work with all the other Legos kits. What’s really brilliant about this is the it offers kids with an interest in braille an opportunity to learn the alphabet in braille alongside their friends who might be braille readers  and using the set because of the braille on the individual pieces–totally inclusive!

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For more info on Braille Bricks check out the review on GoodNet. To order, Braille Bricks ar available from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH).

#31DaysofBraille. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions about #31DaysofBraille? Send an email to lowvisiontech at, tweet to @lowvisiontech, or leave a comment on the LowVisionTech Facebook Page.

Day 11: 31 Days of Braille

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