The Vision Rehab Podcast is a short monthly podcast about topics and issues related to vision rehabilitation therapists and vision rehab. You can also listen on your smart speaker, just ask for, “Vision Rehab Podcast.”
Listen Now to Vision Rehab Podcast for January 2022, Time to be Bold with Low Vision.
Is 2022 the year to be bold with a vision loss? Consider this for a moment: one out of 10 people over the age of 75 report having difficulty seeing—even with their glasses or contacts. And less than 5% of those people with a vision loss will use the services available to them. You might be thinking, “Sure, they don’t use these services because they cost a lot of money. Well, not so, these services for older adults with a vision loss cost clients no out-of-pocket money or are provided on a sliding scale, based on income. so they’re usually very affordable.
Here’s how it works. Each state has it’s own program for adults age 55 or older with a vision loss, so the eligibility requirements might be different from state to state. You will find these services in your states Department of Labor, or Department of Education. Here you’ll find rehabilitation professionals who can provide training on adjusting to a vision loss, adapting your daily living activities to a vision loss, traveling with less vision, using the computer or smartphone, and really anything else that might be impacted by having a little less vision.
And this is nothing new—these professionals, like vision rehabilitation therapists, rehab teachers, orientation and mobility specialist, low vision therapists—these folks have been training people for decades with adapted daily living skills.
So, here’s how to find out more information about what is available in your state. If you’re an internet user, you’ll find a state-by-state directory at You’ll find a directory with local contact names and phone numbers In your state’s agencies.
If you’re not an internet user, you can call the APH ConnectCenter and they\ll find the closest state agency to you. Their number is: 800-232-5463.
If you or a family member has experienced a vision loss that can’t be corrected with glasses or contacts, you know, this can make some activities, like reading, running errands, and using the computer a lot more challenging. Well, it’s time to be bold and reach out to those services to learn a few new tricks! Make 2022 the year to be bold, you can do it!!